Friday 19 August 2016

Sai Baba's LIFE poem

“Life is a song - sing it. 

Life is a game - play it. 
Life is a challenge - meet it. 
Life is a dream - realize it. 
Life is a sacrifice - offer it. 
...Life is love - enjoy it. " Sai Baba

whenever I have worked with this poem, adolescents have loved it!! I believe it has some unique ingredients for them: 
it is short (they do not complain about its length)
it is simple (they do not need to look some words up)
it goes to the point (there is nothing much to discuss. Everyone understands its message)
it is easy to memorise (we generally use it to open each class for a period of time)
it tickles "their" topics (they love to talk about songs, challenges and their dreams)

ACTIVITY: Once We have recited the poem many classes and discussed as a wholes class examples of each line, I ask the students to draw 6 bubbles: SONG, GAME, CHALLENGE, DREAM, SACRIFICE and LOVE. I tell them to fill those bubbles with information connected directly with them with its corresponding argument. 
1. their favourite song. 
2. their favourite game when they were kids. 
3. challenges they find at school. 
4. their dreams in life. 
5. what they feel as a sacrifice at home ;) 
6. what love means to them. 
In this way, they feel a closer and deeper connection with the poem and its message :) As an example of the activity, find below one of my students`creation. 

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