Tuesday 17 May 2016

Books that have enriched my teacher soul. Part One

(. .  . ) " so what took you so Long?" 
I was teaching. That`s what took me so Long." Page 3 

On a foogy Saturday afternoon, while walking down Victoria road, I came across a georgeous library. We, teachers, are lured into libraries justo as kids into candy shops ;) therefore, I HAD to enter. Once there, a marvelous book called me: " hey ! I can recognize a teacher miles away. Come; come closer. . . " And there it was. Definitely, showing off a little as he was the ONLY standing book on a lovely decorated table. TEACHER MAN by Frank McCourt. 

Everything about it is engaging! ! His writing style: so colloquial and so teacher like !!! , his anecdotes and his reflections upon his teaching. . . 

Just for you to feel the book, I will transcribe the second part I underlined when reading it for the first time ;) 

(. . .) "In America, doctors, lawyers, generals, actors, television people and politicians are admired and rewarded. Not teachers. Teaching is the downstairs maid of professions. Teachers are told to use the service door or go round the back. They are congratulated on having ATTO (All That Time Off). They are spoken of patronizingly and patted, retroactively, on their silvery locks. " page 4

I simply loved his ATTO word and have used it whenever this topic has been brought up in those typical teachers' discussions. 

Why is it that wherever we go the same concept about teachers is heard ? 
Hasn't anyone seen a woman or man sunbathing on a beautiful beach reading a book on "How to work with Problematic Children" instead of Vogue magazine? What force drives us to keep on going to school every morning? What moves our hearts towards teaching? 

Have you felt identified? Please, share your comments :)

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